
the price can increase depends on how complex your request would be!

➷ full or half payment after initial sketch is done and approved! (for half payments; the finished work will be sent after the rest of the payment as been paid. )
➷ I do my work in an order who gets to come first, will be served first. However, if you need your commission prioritized over the others and be done asap, additional payment will be asked. Thank you! <3➷ Please be sure before deciding to commission me! I don't do refunds sadly.

nsfw, mecha, furries, detailed backgrounds
kemonomimi, slight gore! , pretty much anything else than isnt in my cant do!

"How long will it take?"

➷Once I sent you the initial sketch it means Im actively working on it and will take me over 1 week or 3 weeks depending on my schedule and the complexity of the commission! If the commission exceeds 3 weeks I will send a notice!( Though this rarely happens! It's mostly because of conflicting schedules with my classes!)

"Can I ask for revisions or updates?"

Absolutely! I will update you if I made any significant changes on the commission and will frequently ask if there's anything needed to be changed, I always aim to please! However, Major revisions will have a price. Thank you!"Can I post the commissioned work on social media?"
Most definitely! As long as you don't claim that you drew it! ^^